
How about an update???

Yes, I know. My job keeping this blog updated has been slacking this past week to say the least! But have no fear. My family has left the house for two weeks. This gives me way more time than any normal person should have to um... update a blog! As you can see in the pictures shown above. It was with good reason that I've been occupied. Number one, Cherie was here. Number two, Dorcas got married last week. It is with some distress that I've noted that my blog is currently the only one that shows less than about 349 pictures of Dorcas' wedding. Alas, I shall correct the problem (as Eugene from Adventures in Odyssey would say) post-haste! It's also with some glee that I can proudly say that fellow bloggers ribs and JByer are both at Camp so that means that I have an intensified freedom of the press. Actually, there's nothing I'd like better to do than be at camp right now. This will be the first one I've ever missed since I've been born. O well, not everyone can be on welfare.


Anonymous said...

It's about time! Does Canada camp last two weeks? Or is this also vacation? I'm surprized that you aren't there for vacation, but as you said, not everyone can live on welfare.

Anonymous said...

That's 'oh'.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.